Ive tried turning them on with the flashlight button down. The program should download the frequencies from the radio. Baofeng pofung uv5r vip software uv5r f11 uv5ra uv5rc. This is the only cable i recommend you buy for programming any baofeng radios. In this baofeng bff8hp programming tutorial we will be using chirp software to program ham radio. Baofeng uv5r programming with chirp software or keypad. Baofeng radio programming software download homepage, chirp programming software, oem baofeng vip software. Over the years already collected and used quite a few portphones. If you are a vendor and want to have your radio supported by chirp, please see informationforvendors. It supports a large number of manufacturers and models, as well as provides a way to interface with multiple data sources and formats. To purchase a programming cable for your radio, please click here. Usb programming cable two way radio for baofeng uv5r bf.
Baofeng usb programming cable for baofeng two way radio uv. The programming cable for these radios are sold separately. Jun 12, 20 why the radio was setup this way i dont know, but that is one of the peculiarities of the baofeng uv5r radios and why most people opt for the usb programming cable. Its used for programming a wide range of amateur radios of different makes and models, and in multiple formats and data sources. Rt systems software is all usa based and designed with the editing demands. The baof8 software helps you program memory channels and menu settings of the baofeng bff8 radio. Counterfeit radio programming cables and windows 10. To verify the connection, run the chirp programming software. Since the uv5r series share the same manufacture programming software and chirp support most of baofeng uv5r models, this programming guidance is a helpful preference to the following model. Ive also tried using the baofeng software in a windows vm. Bff8hp vip programming software baofeng uv82 and uv82x series baofeng bff8 and uv5r series. Bff8 radio software rt systems radio programming software. This is the only cable i recommend you buy for programming any baofeng radios as an amazon associate i earn from qualifying purchases.
Bff8 radio software the baof8 software helps you program memory channels and menu settings of the baofeng bff8 radio. Baof8 programming software for the baofeng bff8 dcs rx dcs dcs polarity tx power scan add busy lock ptt id signal code comment receive frequency transmit frequency offset frequency offset direction operating mode name tone mode ctcss rx ctcss memory channel functions left to right memories vfo memory types left to right. How to program the baofeng uv5r or bff8hp in chirp. The bao f8 software helps you program memory channels and menu settings of the baofeng bf f8 radio. The programming software is called chirp, and it is freely available online. Software will not work with the btech uv5x3, the baofeng uv5r3, uv5x mate uv82, bff8 or bff8hp radios. Now, you should be able to connect the radio to the pc using the programming lead. Now, from the baofeng programming software, go into com port and set the correct com port. It offers an easy to use interface compatible with windows, mac, and linux pcs. All the settings of the radio including tones, that annoying voice announcement, colors, repeater frequencies and even the opening message can be set and saved in the programmer. Chirp is free open source software anyone can download. An exception is the uv5rx3 radio being sold by main trading from paris texas. To download, rightclick the link and choose save target as programming software for wouxun dualband models. May 29, 2014 been using the baofeng bf f8 for a few days now at work and besides for the obvious dead spots where i cant hear anyone or have anyone hear me do to not having a repeater the radio was working great.
Baofeng handheld two way radios are well known among amateur radio operators everywhere. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. Mirkit programming cable ch340 chip for baofeng two way ham portable radios. Rt systems develops the premier software for baofeng bff8 handheld radios. How to manually program memory channels into baofeng. Programming with computer and software is easier, but has its problems. Baofeng dm17021703 programming software firmware upgrade. This is the only cable i recommend you buy for programming any baofeng radios as. For upper display a, press 21 0, 1 or 2 for lower display b, press 22 0, 1 or 2 done. Usb programming cable for baofeng baofeng radio us. Baofeng programming software software free download. For the baofeng 2pin models, this cable from amazon works well.
Note on my bff8 hp i set the upper a display to name and the lower b display to frequency. Baofeng bf f8 and uv5r series programming software. Baofeng bff8hp the following video is a detailed look at the baofeng bff8hp dual band portable twoway radio. Uses the familiar rx frequency and offset for repeaters. Coflash has an intuitive user interface with a traditional windows graphical user interface gui, and a command line mode as well. Baofeng pofung uv5r vip software uv5r f11 uv5ra uv5rc uv5r. Page 1 baofeng uv5r stepbystep programming guide also applies to uv5ra, uv5x3, uv5rax, gt3, bff8, bff9 noji ratzlaff set the radio to communicate with a repeater at 146. Baofeng bff8 and uv5r series programming software dmr5r programming software baofeng dm1701 programming software. Click go to radio on the menu bar and choose download from radio. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Software will not work with the btech uv5x3, the baofeng uv5r3, uv5x mate uv82, bf f8 or bf f8hp radios. Before loading any software, you must verify your current firmware release. Not only baofeng but also motorola and kirisun i can work well.
Were going to program a baofeng radio with chirp software. I bought mine 5 watt version from radio mart before he quit carrying them. Usb programming cable two way radio for baofeng uv5r bf888s. Been using the baofeng bff8 for a few days now at work and besides for the obvious dead spots where i cant hear anyone or have anyone hear me do to not having a repeater the radio was working great.
How to install the baofeng usb programming cable and software. How to program the baofeng uv5r or bff8hp in chirp for. Load only the software designed for your firmware release. Due to the wide variety of baofeng uv5r firmware versions, be sure you are using the correct one for your radio, either chirp, baofeng oem or baofeng vip or you will end up with a non working radio. When you purchase this programming cable, we will include the free usb cable driver and programming software on cd. Channel names cannot be manually programmed and can only be entered using software chirp or the baofeng software. Under the device menu option, there is the option to read from, or write to, your little baofeng radio. Choose the com port number for the usb cable, the vendor baofeng and the model of the radio such as the uv5r from the drop down lists in the popup box. They arent hard to find, but they will cost a little more. Chirp software has many features, some of which are not available using the baofeng factory software, such as. Program the baofeng bff8hp chirp software baofeng f. How to program baofeng uv5r series with programming software.
How to manually program the baofeng uv5r from the keypad. The baof8 programmer is designed to give you the ease and convenience of programming the memories and set menu options of your radio from your pc. When you try to go above 154 on the radio, within the 2 meter portion of the band that is supposed to go up to 174 mhz on a normal ham radio. How to manually program memory channels into baofeng bowoh. To get fm on the bff8 set the ab button so that you are in the 2 meter band. Baofeng programming software software free download baofeng. Topics covered in this video include an overview of features, comparison with the uv5r, software programming chirp and oem, range discussion and more. Bao f8 programming software for the baofeng bf f8 dcs rx dcs dcs polarity tx power scan add busy lock ptt id signal code comment receive frequency transmit frequency offset frequency offset direction operating mode name tone mode ctcss rx ctcss memory channel functions left to right memories vfo memory types left to right. Wouxun software download baofeng software download.
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